Meet Your Instructor
Geary Whiting
Many Students have told me that they feel confident in choosing me as their instructor for equine massage because of my background and what I bring to the table through my life experiences.
Geary Whiting on Equine Massage
Geary Whiting, Pioneer of Equine Massage, talks about his background, accomplishments, and concerns for the Equine Massage industry.
Outstanding Achievement Award
After I first became interested in learning massage in 1981, I studied at the Shiatsu Massage School of Southern California in Santa Monica. After graduating, I was asked to manage the school because I had accomplished that most of all of the graduate students in the history of the school. I was given the honor of being the guest speaker of the new school created when Dr. Kaneko separated his school from the clinic. Four years later, I was given a very special award, the Outstanding Achievement Award for my contribution to Oriental Medicine as an educator through the use of Shiatsu Massage.
A Sudden Change In Direction: Horse Massage
While rehabbing a client who had been injured in a horse-related accident (unauthorized dismount or should I say dumped) I was asked if I had ever massaged a horse. I said, “No, but it would be no different than doing a person.” I told her to give me a back and profile picture of a horse, and I would figure out the meridian lines. That evening I had to envision the horse as a person in order to place my lines. Sunday following I had her bring a horse to the gym, and I massaged my first horse. After the sessions, I suddenly had a new direction...massaging horses!
In 1995, a time when few had ever heard of massaging horses, I had to pioneer my way into the world of Equine Athletes. People were seeing wonderful results with their horses and wanted me to teach them. I bought the Walking W. Ranch from Wayne Willis in Atascadero where I started my first school, and the rest is history.
Pioneer of Massage Award,
World Massage Festival
The most interesting and unique recognition came to me when I accepted the Pioneer of Massage award from the World Massage Festival in 2015. I became known as a “Bridge Builder”. My Equine Massage Academy was seen as a ‘bridge’ between dreams and achievements not only in my life, but in the lives of those who attend my program and use their new found education to dream, accomplish and achieve.
2015 Massage Therapy Hall of Fame
Founder and Instructor Geary Whiting is an Inductee
Massage Magazine, Conquering the Ironman
I was featured on the cover of Massage Magazine with one of my athletes. Working with double-amputee Bob Wieland gained me recognition in the massage world. I was able to greatly improve his performance through my shiatsu massage techniques.
Over these years since creating my Geary Whiting Equine Massage Academy, I have received numerous accolades and awards. As I look back over all these accomplishments, I give honor to my first teacher, Dr. DoAnn T. Kaneko as one of my life’s biggest influencers.
In this photo, I am with my teacher Dr. DoAnn T. Kaneko, L.Ac. OMD, Ph.D., and my 2005 Canadian graduate student, Yvonne Allen, founder of Voice For The Horse. I had the honor of inducting them into the 2017 Massage Therapy Hall of Fame at the World Massage Festival.
Final Thoughts…
There are three kinds of people in this life: those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who wonder what happened!
I am confident that you will be happy that you chose Geary Whiting’s Equine Massage Academy for Horse and Rider. A school where you will learn how to take the lead and make things happen.
Happy Trails Padnas,