Ready to take the next step towards helping you and your horse, or receive a certification in the equine massage field?
Geary Whiting Equine Massage Academy
5 days of instruction
Breakfast and lunch provided
Book will be shipped to you prior to your class. You will review your coursework before you arrive and write 3-5 questions per chapter that will be answered or discussed, by Geary, in class.
Upon graduation from the Academy, you will be included in 6 months of weekly Zoom conference calls for continuing education purposes and utilizing Geary’s extensive knowledge and hands on experience to answer any questions you may encounter in your field work.
GW Equine Massage Academy
Central Coast Programs
2024-25 Academies
December 9-13
January 13-17
February 10-14
March 10-14
April 21-25
May 12-16
June 1-6
GW Equine Massage Academy $1800
In Home Study, Certification Program
You will receive your course book and a thumb drive which contains information and videos which pertain to the course work covered in the program
You will be asked to read all material and submit 3 questions or comments for each chapter for phone or Zoom conference call discussion
You will present videos showing use of shiatsu massage techniques
You will present videos with an oral presentation of the application of shiatsu massage techniques
You will demonstrate your understanding of equine massage through a video of actually performing a treatment on one full side of a horse
Upon graduation from the Academy, you will be included in 3 months of weekly Zoom conference calls for continuing education purposes and utilizing Geary’s extensive knowledge and hands on experience to answer any questions you may encounter in your field work.
If at any point after your certification is completed you would like to receive the in-person instruction from Geary, you have the option to purchase the upgrade and be included in one of our Central Coast Programs where space is available.
Watch this video to see how a student presents his video and how Geary critiques and encourages all his In Home Study students.
GW Equine Massage Academy
Road Trip Programs
The Geary Whiting Equine Massage Academy Road Trip Programs are a great way to have Geary’s expertise brought to a learning location that is convenient to yourself and up to 9 other students.
These programs are taught at a location near you that has access to an approved facility with available horses which are suitable for use in class with students.
Contact Geary for information on how to set up such a unique experience in your area!
info@gearywhiting.com (530)-410-5270
GW Equine Massage Academy
In Home Study, Non-Certification Program
Study at your own pace
Study for your own use
Contact Geary at any time with questions or thoughts
Make a horse love you!
Step -Up Program
Not sure whether you are ready to commit to a full Equine Massage Academy education? My Step-Up Program has a built-in “Payment Plan” that gives you the opportunity to get your feet wet in Equine Massage with minimal investment. At the very least, you will be able to start working on your horse and your family members and friends.
To begin, take our In-Home Study Program for Non-Certification. You can take this without becoming certified starting at $800. With this knowledge base, you are not necessarily given all the important information to run an Equine Massage business, but it’s perfect for practicing on your personal equine and canine friends.
If you decide that you really connect to this type of therapy and find it rewarding, then consider taking the next step; becoming certified. The In Home Study Program for Certification is an additional $1000.
Once you are certified and practicing, and decide you would like to dive into Equine Massage more deeply, take the next step, Geary Whiting Equine Massage Academy In-Person Training at one of our Central Coast Academies with Geary for an additional $1700.00.
Working your way up through this programs allows you to pace your spending and get started working in the equine massage field ASAP!